Harvey Nash/KPMG Business Leadership Breakfast - Munich

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Posting date: 22 January 2018

On Friday 8th December in the Palaishalle of the Bayerischer Hof in Munich, Harvey Nash hosted its annual Leadership Business Breakfast.  90 Technology executives from the Munich region gathered to hear an inspiring speech from Sabine Bendiek, Managing Director of Microsoft Germany on Artificial Intelligence entitled "Navigating Uncertainty. Shaping the future. How much transformation does the CIO of tomorrow need?"

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Sabine, who has been interested in Digital Transformation for many years, spoke of how computer scientists at Microsoft and elsewhere have been working on AI technologies for decades and how most recently, Artificial Intelligence has begun to revolutionise Digital Transformation. 

In her presentation, Sabine explained Microsoft's holistic approach to artificial intelligence, which is based, among other things, on the following:

  • developing high-performance platforms that make innovations more readily accessible and thus ultimately democratize the use and application of artificial intelligence.
  • ensuring a trustworthy technological and legal basis that enables customers to control and protect their data.

Quoting Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, Sabine pointed out that "Our success is not dependent on our products, it`s dependent on the success that our customers have with our products." and thus reinforced a decisive point that customer focus must be central to successful business strategy on the digital journey.  

Following her speech, Sabine joined a lively panel discussion with Sebastian Paas, KPMG Partner, CIO Advisory practice, Olaf Schnapauff, CTO of Amadeus Data Processing and Tobias Frydman, CEO and Founder of CIOnet.com on AI and its influences in a variety of areas, from the changing management roles required in the digital age, developments in Cloud Computing, to AI`s impact on employment and society through to fostering digital competencies in the class room, as well as their future visions of AI.

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